So I'm starting today the same way as yesterday, coffee & croissant, trying to catch a bit wifi and energy to charge my phone. C is still asleep... I quite like my morning routine:)
Yesterday we went to the beach. The camping site is directly by the sea (the back of it) but the entrance is in the front, which means that we have to all around in order to get to the beach. It was quite windy which almost made us feel cold!😨Still wearing summer clothes tho;)
We stopped by the closest restaurant and an eductaional centre, something to do with dunes. Although food did not blow us away, the views and the interior design were quite impressive.
The beach was almost empty, I assume due to heavy wind, blowing sand on us- cold and painful! Nonetheless I'm super happy to smell the sea, dip my legs in it (it was too cold for anything else) and we ended up finding sand grains EVERYWHERE😂
Then a quick dip in a camping swimming pool, nicest shower ever and off we went to Cascais! (By taxi)
Cascais is a town to which we got from Lisbon by train the day before, but we didn't really have a chance to walk around. It's truly lovely- sort of sea resort with interesting stone architecture, squares with loads of restaurants and touristy shops and...tourists:) I really like the vibe of those towns, you can find them in Spain, Italy, as it happens, Portugal too. Not many photos, because the phone kept dying😥, but I managed to charge it in a Buerguessa, place we had dinner at (burgers, surprisingly😉).
And then we just wondered around inhaling local atmosphere, getting a bit lost and grabbing a pint in Irish pub (can take Irishman out of Ireland but can't take Ireland out of him😉)🍀🍻
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